Monday, October 6, 2014

Sacrifice or good deed?

Last week, my sons came home from school with a week long religion assignment.  They were beginning a new chapter about sacrifice.  The bible story that is mentioned is Abraham's almost sacrifice of his only son Isaac.  The kids were to create a chart of sacrifices they made for a week.

In theory, this sounds like a good lesson.  However, as I reviewed the resulting "sacrifices" tonight, I was quite shocked.  Most of what they sacrificed was video game time to do a quick chore or "gave up" computer time so the other could have time (or was it because he had a mountain of homework to do?)

Midweek, I spoke with another mom who echoed my thoughts that the kids were not really getting the true meaning of sacrifice but she wasn't going to complain since she was getting free household help.

I would have much preferred if the focus had been on the more positive side.  Instead of giving up something, I would have liked to have seen them encouraged to do a good deed each day.  I want them to learn to do something helpful for someone else because they want the world to be a caring, loving place not because they can chalk up another "sacrifice" credit.

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