Tuesday, September 23, 2014

My, how time flies

Hard to believe that I actually started this blog 6 and 1/2 years ago.  If you look at it, you will realize I have been quite the slacker when it comes to writing.  The same is not quite so true of my handwritten journal.  I tend to run in spurts there.  I get on a roll and write on a regular basis and then slack off and don't write for days or weeks.  Unfortunately when I slack off is usually when I should be journaling the most.

One of the reasons I am going to try to pick this up again is I find myself having trouble falling asleep at night thinking about things that are happening in the community around me.  My mind goes over and over my thoughts and opinions.  I have decided I need a place to express those opinions and if no one ever reads them, so be it.

So let the fun begin...

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